Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Vlogging as Internet Business - Advantages and Disadvantages

There are blogs which are really just platforms for lots of videos but most blogs use a combination of text and video. Since they could end up as just one line of videos, they need some text to explain, or at least title, each video so that the visitor has some guidance as to use.
Server space. Obviously, with lots of images, vlogs require more server space than text. They also need a faster server as people will not sit and wait more than a few seconds to see the content. But they can still be sent through RSS to keep people updated.

Personal. This works in two ways. First, visitors can see you or they hear your voice if you're speaking in the video or if there's only a music background they can see a unique video related to your blog. Second, you can show your products. This is whether they're physical products or showing the text of an eBook, for example. Either way, visitors get a close up and personal showing of the product, which is an advantage in selling.
Attention getting. By their very definition, videos if made well enough, keep people's attention longer simply because of the moving aspect of them. Movement catches attention in any situation. Also, many people like to be shown something rather than read about it.
Disadvantages. Video can slow down a computer or visitors may have to wait a long time for download, especially on dial-up. Another problem can be the quality of the video, not only in terms of production quality, but also in interest. It's best to practise and get your tone and attitude right before publishing. Another thing is that a video can just take too long to watch so it needs to be short and to the point. Also, value of information is still the top criteria.

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